Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
IndieGoGo campaign pitch
Note that the fundraising ended, and the deliverable has been delivered. Check it out-- until this mighty document is posted to the SEC's own website (which should happen this week), you can read it here.
Here's the original pitch:
Crowdfunding sites like IndieGoGo offer VIP Perks but not shares-- because offering profit participation is illegal. Securities law lets you gamble your retirement on investments conveyed through the all-controlling financial system, but you can't invest $50 in someone you actually know personally, in order to help them start a small business, write a book, make a film, build an iPhone app or develop a new product that you believe has commercial potential.
The SEC can change this situation by introducing a regulatory exemption that caps individual investments at $100. I believe that doing this would change everything for crowdfunding, spark innovation, and help vitalize the economy from the bottom up.
The idea of an exemption based on very low cap on individual investment is not new; according to the SEC's Anthony Barone, it has been discussed and brought to the SEC's attention by academic economists. What has not yet been demonstrated is the extent of public interest in such an exemption.
This project offers a serious plan for essentially forcing the SEC to consider this possibility and respond to it publicly.
This issue is more complicated than can be explained on this short project page, but you can read the prospectus for the history and background on this project.
* The Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) has agreed to draft a Petition for Rulemaking for submission to the SEC that proposes legalizing crowdfunded securities, for payment of $1000 raised through crowdfunding. That's what this project is for.
* $1000 is a great deal, and the SELC is the perfect organization for this; highly regarded, and involved with these issues. See the prospectus for details).
* The SEC posts any Petitions for Rulemaking that it receives, along with all public comments. This area of the SEC website is surprisingly inactive.
* Once the SELC petition is posted, we mobilize crowd action to submit comments. If the SEC receives a large number of comments in support of legalizing crowdfunding, they will need to hire someone to process them all. This is an example of the ever-newsworthy Old Institution, Blindsided, Is Forced To Confront New Phenomenon.
Note that we originally thought the petition would be written under the auspices of the Katovich Law Group, but subsequently decided to have the work done by the SELC (which is affiliated with Katovich). This makes your contributions tax-deductible!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The SEC Petition for a Crowdfunding Exemption
Read the whole thing— it’s so well researched and reasoned! Jenny Kassan, Kathleen Kenney, and Aroma Sharma at the SELC did fantastic work on this.
The work was funded via this successful IndieGoGo campaign by the following highly-respected, well-liked, kind, smart, and sexy people:
Anonymous (4)
Zebulon Bartels
Ed Baum
Thomas Beckett
David Bienvenu
Noah Carpenter
Brian Chaikelson
David Cohn
Sean Corbett
Mackenzie Cowell
Andrew Day
Chris Duesing
Marcy Eiben
Jodie Emmett
Stanley Florek
Todd Harris
David Hauser
Jordan Hayes
Mike Hedge
Fran Kaplan
Tim Kappel
Jennifer Kassan
Kathleen Kenney
Keith Kosmin
Gijsbert Koren
John Kraemer
Christen Lee
Harold Lee
Justin Layne May
Holly Minch
Andrew Neuschatz
Charles Neveu
James Parkhill
Ross Pruden
Ellen Raynor
Kurt Reinhold
Danae Ringelmann
Ileana Rizescu
Timothy Rood
Daniel Schreiber
Aroma Sharma
Michael Shuman
Paul Spinrad
Jason Stetler
Mari Tamburo
Brian Tsuchiya
Gever Tulley
Vanessa Warheit
Nicholas Weininger
Not on this list? This is just the beginning, and it's not too late to help with this. The important part now is to send (and encourage others to send) comments to the SEC regarding this petition, which you can do once they give it a File No. and post it, hopefully this coming week. Stay tuned!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Why I Am Doing This
Here's an observation from my friend Liz, who's the most politically experienced person I know: every real political movement is driven by the personal stories of the participants, and what got them involved.
Without these stories, a movement won't move. It's kind of like Alcoholics Anonymous: everyone in the room wants to know who everyone else is, what their lives are like, and why (and how) they came here to change something, rather than just doing their usual thing.
I know the phrase "The Personal Is Political," but I'm a privacy freak who's generally put off by identity politics. Still, this issue is interesting and important enough to me that I want to share how I got involved. There's nothing dramatic here-- it's just a longtime interest that I've found time to pursue.
I am a flex-time, work-at-home (read: unshowered and unshaven) writer/editor and the father of two toddlers, with whom I frequent the playgrounds in and around the San Francisco neighborhood of Cole Valley.
Like many people, I have more ideas than I follow through on, and I believe many of them have commercial potential. But I work best under the expectations of others. So I've long wondered: how can someone like me get buy-in to pursue something that I think is a good bet?
In 2003, I built the website Premises, Premises as an experiment, to sell and support investment in inexpensive ideas. It didn't catch on, and I now know that one of the main activities I was aiming to support (selling shares of future profit, i.e. securities, unregulated over the web) would be illegal anyway. But I had a great time making the site, and I added material to it for about year before letting it fall onto the dustheap of dead websites.
In 2006 I was very interested to learn about Fundable, which was the first crowdfunding platform I'd heard of. In 2008 I learned about the community-supported journalism site Spot.Us and was similarly excited, writing a brain-dump fan letter to Spot.Us founder David Cohn, who posted most of it to his blog.
Later that year, inspired by Spot.Us, I pitched the idea of an "E-vite for Makers" site to some of the folks I work for at MAKE, as a kind of online resource to help DIY'ers through a combination of external expectation, peer support, crowdfunding, curated how-to resources, and even dedicated pestering (for premium level subscribers) from GetFriday-like offshore-assistant whipcrackers. The scheme didn't gain support, and I didn't find the time to build it myself on spec.
But meanwhile, sites like Kickstarter and
I talked to some lawyers and found out why such Idea Futures type platforms hadn't been launched: it's illegal, unless you register each offering with the SEC, which is prohibitively expensive. Any investment you make where the return doesn't depend on your own work is considered a security, and there is no de minimis dollar limit on securities offerings or individual investments below which the SEC does not regulate. In other words, investing in a lemonade stand is subject to SEC regulation, unless it falls under some existing exemption (which it almost certainly wouldn't).
I reported this in a post on the peerless Boing Boing blog last year, where I was enjoying a stint as a guestblogger. In the post, I said that I wanted to make crowdfunded securities legal by introducing a low value de minimis regulatory exemption, and perhaps use crowdfunding itself to secure the funds needed for the legal work. I also invited people to contact me for updates. My post elicited many nice comments and emails from interested people-- including Tim Kappel, a lawyer whose article I had cited
Encouraged, I called the SEC to discuss the topic and wound up talking with Anthony Barone in their Office of Small Business Policy. He told me that the SEC can change its own regulations, without congressional review (which sounds like a recipe for corruption, but I won't go there). He also said that the idea of an exemption based on the low value of individual investment had been brought up at the SEC's last annual Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation, which took place November 2009. So the idea was already on their radar!
I soon found the Petitions for Rulemaking page on the SEC's website and was delighted to see that anyone can submit a public petition for rulemaking to the SEC's Office of the Secretary, as well as comments on any such petition (during its commenting period, which is 90 days I think).
From an online-activism viewpoint, I thought this process seemed too good to be true-- the SEC really posts any and all rulemaking petitions and relevant comments it receives on its own website?
Most of the petitions are very technical and few have received much comment from the public-- but what if I could get a serious, well-argued "crowdfunding exemption" petition drafted and submitted to the SEC-- and then, once it was posted, encourage the crowdfunding crowd to bombard the SEC with positive comments. I wondered whose job it was at the SEC to scan and post every comment that anyone submits scribbled on notebook paper.
I started looking for a lawyer who might be interested in this scheme, and came to Jenny Kassan, whose great article
Jenny would charge a token $1000 for the legal work, so on the fundraising side, I met with Danae Ringelmann of IndieGoGo, who lives near me. She helped concoct the plan for the Crowdfunding Campaign to Change Crowdfunding Law, which launched on April 26th and reached its funding goal eight days later.
At the SELC, the summer legal interns were due to start in a few weeks, so Jenny figured they would be great for drafting the SEC petition, under her supervision. And since the project would then be done under the auspices of the SELC, which is a nonprofit, everyone's donations would be tax-deductible. Bonus!
After the summer interns were settled working at the SELC, we all met at The Hub in Berkeley (a.k.a. Hub Berkeley) to discuss the petition: me, Jenny, and SELC interns Aroma Sharma, Erin Byers, Chris Curran, and Kathleen Kenney. SELC co-director Janelle Orsi also stopped by to say Hi. Over the next few weeks, Aroma and Kathleen did a fantastic job researching and writing the petition, and on June 24th, they sent it to the SEC.
The SEC's autoresponder said they typically post what they receive within 2-3 business days-- and once that happens, it will be time to spread the word about this campaign and encourage people to send in those comments. I'm excited-- more soon!